Work shop Digital Detox

Get control of your digital tools so that the digital beast is tamed and stays tamed.

In short

Possible in these languages

Dutch, English

From 5 to 30 participants

Maximum of 2 hour(s)

Extending the duration is possible


We make our tools, and our tools change us. When our relationship with technology benefits us more than it costs us, that is a healthy development. But what happens when technology companies use their tools to hijack our attention? In 2007, our relationship with our phone changed. The introduction of the iPhone led to an unintended murder of our attention span.

In a meeting, at the coffee machine, at restaurants, you regularly see others grabbing their smartphones and you have lost their attention. Hell, even in cars you can see the blue light on other drivers' faces.  Sure, our tools are changing us.

During the activity, digital optimism takes centre stage. Digital optimism is a third way between those who renounce technology and those who embrace it completely. It is a philosophy that ensures you gain and maintain control over your digital tools. It is a philosophy that helps you question digital and by extension all tools so that you get maximum yield from them without it costing you unnecessary time, energy and attention.

This workshop is for you if the following statements are recognisable to you and your team:

You feel that your use of digital tools goes too far.
Taking out your smartphone is the first thing you do in the morning
During meetings, participants are more and more distracted
You notice that more and more drivers are using their smart device while driving.
When you look around you, more than two thirds are sucked into their phones.




Based on these four properties, you will quickly find out what you can expect from the activity. This way you can tailor your teambuilding even better to the needs of your team.

  • Teamwork
  • Competition
  • Action
  • Learning

Available in these regions

This activity can take place in these regions

The Netherlands
North Brabant
North Holland
South Holland